Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bring Out the Olympic Spirit Within You!

We have all got it...that internal burning flame within. A burning desire for success as we go about our daily routine...are you just 'sparking' little flickers, or is your flame burning on high? The Olympics are once again upon us.This is a great time to sit back in awe of some of the most spectacular athletes in the world. Many of the sporting events we rarely see, and may not know much about. But there is one common universal theme to all sporting events, and all athletes. There is a burning flame within; the desire to perform at an absolute personal best. For the Gold Medalist winners, that best performance is the best in the world.Bring out the Olympic Spirit within YouUnleash Your Potential - Change Your FocusWe've all heard it before, the inspiring Olympic stories. Thousands of examples of athletes who unleashed their potential to train and win. How did they do it? When superior athletes get to a similar physical level, how do they get the Gold?They not only trained their bodies, but they trained their brain. Bruce Jenner explains that his greatest asset was not his physical ability, but his mental ability.Here is the great news. As we all sit back and marvel as these super athletes perform, there is something important to reflect upon.We all have these same 'Olympic' capabilities within us.We all have that burning flame within us.Sure, we are not Olympic athletes physically. But we can think like one. We can tap into our flame.Determination. Discipline. Drive. Ambition. Motivation. Dedication.A sense of wanting to achieve. A goal that must be reached.Tap into the Olympic Spirit that is within you.Set some new goals. Refresh your motivation for workouts and your healthy lifestyle. Go for your own personal 'Olympic Gold'!Take advantage of the power of your mind. Yes, it takes practice, but not much time.What are you filling your mind with? What are you thinking about? Are you thinking about your goal? Your plan? Have you visualized your win?Practice the Fat Into The Fire Missing Links and achieve your personal Gold Medal! Change your mind and change your life!Author David P. Morrow has been a great resource of health, fitness and diet information for 20 years.Just released, "Fat Into The Fire" 'The simple missing links to maximize metabolism, energy, and yourself represents all of his personal discoveries of producing a maximized metabolism.He offers free monthly e-newsletters at

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